Buri Teaches: Self-regulation

Student Goals

● To identify their emotions

● To identify how those emotions affect us and others

● To identify strategies to self-regulate

And eventually...

● Move toward independent regulation!

Four ZONES used to describe what we are feeling internally.

What can families do at home?

  • Help your student recognize what ZONE they are in ○ How do you know? What are the signs?

  • Practice identifying tools your student can use in each ZONE at home and at school

    • What helps you when you are in each of the ZONES?

    • How can the family help you when you are in each of the ZONES?

    • Practice using the tools in real time with your student

  • Model using the zones language

    • “My boss called me when I was at home and I realized after I was in the yellow ZONE”

    • Ask about how your student’s day was with ZONES language - i.e. were you ever in the blue ZONE today?

  • How did you manage when you were in that zone?”

  • Partner with your student’s teacher to communicate what your child looks like in the ZONES and things that help

  • them regulate themselves

  • If behavioral difficulties occur, collaborate with your student’s teacher in support of their positive behavior

  • Encourage your student to participate in in activities that are fun and or that they are good at


Low state of alertness and energy

Down Feelings

May feel:

○ Sad ○ Sick ○ Tired ○ Bored

Good to Go

Calm and organized state of alertness

Neutral emotions

May feel:

○ Happy ○ Content ○ Focused

○ Ready to learn

Often have to Stop and Notice

Very heightened state of alertness

May be in Fight or Flight mode

Intense emotions

May feel:
○ Elated ○ Enraged/Angry ○ Terror ○ Devastation

Be Aware/Take Caution

Higher state but still have some cognitive control

Energy is up, Emotions Elevated

May feel:
○ Frustration/Stress ○ Anxiety ○ Excitement or Silly ○ Wiggly or Agitated