Your $10 membership due will help provide, Art in Action programs, community events for Buri families, gratitude gifts to teachers and classrooms, PTA voting privilege, local discounts and more
How to Join the Buri Buri PTA
Click via Totem to join (you can also donate to PTA should you wish)
Donate to
Buri Buri Elementary School PTA
Thank you for your donation to support community activities, student enrichment programs and teacher support at Buri Buri Elementary School!
Buri Buri Elementary School PTA
Thank you for your donation to support community activities, student enrichment programs and teacher support at Buri Buri Elementary School!
We appreciate any direct donation you are able to add to your membership or company matching. Monetary donations can be made at the time of membership through our online portal. The PTA is a 501c3 non profit charity so donations are tax deductible. Please contact us if you need a receipt of donation or download it from the online portal. Your membership and donations make the activities of the PTA possible. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
One of the requirements to volunteer in the classroom or drive students on field trips is to be fingerprinted and have a background check done by the South San Francisco Unified School District.